In March, The Bronx Private Industry Council (PIC) was tasked with supporting the challenge of food insecurity in the Bronx during the beginning of the COVID-19 global health pandemic.
Since that time, The PIC’s team has been extremely busy working with partners New York State Assemblymember Michael Blake, RAP4BRONX, World Central Kitchen (WCK), and The Bronx Community Relief Efforts (BxCRE) to provide more than 1.8 million prepared meals to the community, 1800 grocery bags per week to families, and more than 29,000 lbs of fresh produce to homes and community partners. The Thinkubator will continue this important work with partners to support the Bronx community – especially as the unemployment rate has reached 25% and the federally enhanced unemployment compensation benefit is set to expire on July 31st.
Youth are a critical part of this work. The Thinkubator Solves Innovators are currently working with partner Mott Haven Bar and Grill to Reimagine Restaurant Success in the Age of COVID -19. The Thinkubator Trains Interns are working with the RAP4BRONX program on necessary tasks to support the growth of that program. The BronxWorks Internship program is currently working with The Thinkubator staff to reimagine food systems in the Bronx.
The Thinkubator fundamentally believes that Intricately connected to youth talent development is economic and communal well-being. Given the impact of COVID-19, the traumatic increase in unemployment in the Bronx from 5.4.% to 25%, the elimination of the additional unemployment insurance benefit, and the already pre-existing number of food insecure individuals and households, have given rise to the need to develop programs that connect the two and support the challenge of youth workforce development and food insecurity. The Thinkubator has developed internships and an apprenticeship model that is currently seeking external funding to support its implementation for a launch of Spring 2021.
Holiday Food Insecurity in The Bronx: Data from World Central Kitchen (WCK) Direct program participants

An Evaluation of the World Central Kitchen (WCK) Direct food program in the Bronx

The Thinkubator has partnered with The Bronx Community Foundation, The Bronx Community Relief Efforts, World Central Kitchen (WCK), RAP4BRONX, BronxWorks, NY Common Pantry, The Prodigal Center, and other community-based organizations to provide food to those most vulnerable in the Bronx. Below is a September 2020 report of activities.

Supporting Mott Haven and Families with Dogs

Caring for Community
The Thinkubator supports community groups who care for their community and want to bring about change. We’ve sponsored a group of tenants who provide dog bags for their neighbors in order to keep the community clean.

Taking Action
We believe the best way to improve communities and neighborhoods is through the direction action of the people. We support communities in the Bronx and other places that want to take action in their community they call home.